Thursday, September 6, 2018

A comparative study of Normal Mars with that to Retro Mars

A comparative study of Normal Mars with that to Retro Mars

We need to first understand where Mars is posited, i.e. in which rasi.  Whether it is placed in its friends rashi, enemies or in a neutral rashi. As we know, Mars is friends with Sun, Moon and Jupiter and hence its placement in the rasis owned by these three planets will be beneficial compared to its placement in other rasis. Also the lordship of Mars (ex. Being the 4th lord or the 5th lord from lagna) is an important factor in horoscope analysis.

In this article we will discuss in general the behavior of a person with a Retro Mars as to the person with a Normal Mars.

1.       A normal Martian is an aggressive person (outwardly), i.e, he is basically an extrovert. Retro Mars makes him an introvert person. Retro Mars will not show his aggression outwardly but will keep it inside him and will use it for his self defense and development. He will be more goal oriented and use his strength, courage and aggression in a proper planned manner. Being aggressive he will do many things in life, i.e, he will focus on achievements. For ex. Being a runner i.e, marathon runner, cyclist, a good determined sports person, boxer, athlete, fitness oriented, body building, etc.

A normal Martians aggression generally gets converted into anger and hence his development is less. In this case he would be commanding, ruling, showing off his strength, etc.
2.       A Retro Mars in lagna will be soft towards his family members and relationships. His mind-set will be different and would be ready to help people whenever it is required. A Retro Mars will have more friends compared to a normal Mars.

3.       A normal Mars will compete and compare with others but a Retro Mars will compete with himself.  Retro Mars is like a controlled fire. Normal Mars will act first and think later but a Retro Mars will think first and act later. This is one of the major differences between Direct Mars and Retro Mars.

4.        In specific areas and sports wherein you need to think fast and act, Retro Mars will be in more advantageous position. Ex. F1 driving – Retro Mars will win over normal Mars.

5.       In some places normal Mars is more important than a Retro Mars. When a Retro Mars has to choose something then it becomes difficult for him. Ex. If he likes a girl, he would take lot of time to act since he will waster time in thinking.

6.       Retro Mars is a good problem solver but at times fails to be a good leader. Since in every situation one cannot keep thinking and react later.

7.       Retro Mars doesn’t have a strong vigour. A normal Mars is a good and strong leader. Ex. In some cases like if in case while landing a flight wheels don’t come out of the hatch, a normal Mars can act fast because of his immense courage and vigour and risk taking ability, but a Retro Mars will not be able to do so.
We can say that a direct Mars can go ahead and plunge into danger and sacrifice his life for the good of others.

8.       Retro Mars is good for his family and himself. He becomes aggressive inwardly i.e. an extrovert person becomes introvert. But a direct Mars if has strong positive influences can do wonders for the society.

9.       Retrograde Mars is regarded as the strongest position of Mars. Mars becomes Retro only when Mars is closer to earth. In this case, Chestha bala of Mars is very high and it directly influences the native.

When Mars is farthest from earth that means Mars is behind sun i.e. all the three are in line Mars-Sun-Earth and in this case Mars loses its strength.
10.   A Retro Mars in a lagna is a very good combination provided it is not influenced by any malefic planet. This combination helps in bringing out a change in the society.
Retro Mars is a better fighter because it gives the native logical interpretation, patience, perseverance and a plan to execute it. Regular Mars lacks planning but has the aggression.

With regard to Medical Terms

Regular Mars will give good strength, good hearing capacity, blood count, etc. Retro Mars will decrease all these aspects. 

Wherever Mars is posited it affects that particular organ of the body. If a normal Mars is placed in 8th, it gives Madhyaayu.  In case of Retro Mars, the case becomes more severe, like Retro Mars in 8th makes a person short lived. Can be anemic, it can also go to an extent of spoiling a particular organ on which it influences. This happens when there is a strong malefic influence of Ketu, Rahu, Saturn, etc.

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